Weekend Diaries III

February 26, 2012

It's raining a lot right now. I've been trying to get inspired in many ways these days, but nothing seems to work. I've been drawing, painting, reading and listening to new music and stuff like that. This week I'll be working with a photographer called Pierina Diez in a new project which I think you'll love! Pierina is currently a graphic design student and she takes really nice pictures, you can check her blog here. I took these pictures around 2 weeks ago and that's the only thing I have to share, so please, excuse me for being so boring and for my lack of updates to this blog.


  1. i love your blog and your photos are so pretty..
    may i ask what you do to fix them so pretty if you dont mind?

  2. been having a rough time too like i told ya, let's hope march brings much better things for us

  3. I'm trying to get into photography as an hobby and I'm also curious about the question left by the anonymous.
    I love the first photo :) keep up the good work



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