Films and spring break

March 28, 2012

Hey! I think you guys know how much I love filmmaking no matter how bad I do it, yesterday I took some film lessons for a nano-film which I'm working on. The class was so long yet so interesting and informative, I really liked it.

I've got some news! First of all; last sunday was my 17th birthday and my spring break just started, that's so good because I'll finally have a lot of free time. This saturday, I'll be working in a photoshoot with a friend called Estefania and I'm really excited about that! And then I think I'm going to visit my Grandma, that's really nice, It's been a lot since I last saw her and talked to her so I'm happy about that. I'll take as many photographs as I can for this spring break! I hope you're all having a great time, I'll leave you with a few pictures from last week.



March 20, 2012

Spring is finally here! I'm so happy, the weather is so nice and inspiring. What I like about spring it's how gray and cold things can turn into the most colorful and beautiful; and of course, my birthday, which is on sunday (March 25th). I'm finally starting to feel happy and inspired by lots of things!


Inspired V

March 14, 2012

Currently inspired by Mathias Klotz, a famous chilean architect. These buildings caught my attention because I love modern design so much. I personally like everything he does, he's one of my favourite architects ever.

Reutter House
Hunter Douglas plant
Eleven Women House


Weekend Diaries IV

March 10, 2012



Hello! I think you noticed a little hiatus from this blog, that's because I don´t know what to post anymore. I want to update about me and my photographs, but it's really hard because I'm not that inspired to take pictures and that's the thing that I feel most guilt for. I keep searching for inspiration; but as I said before, nothing seems to work and it feels terrible. I'll promise to capture more candid moments of my life as I can.
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