On the Street... Stripes
November 05, 2013
First of all, sorry I didn't post anything yesterday. We had a long weekend and I just came back from my grandparents' house!
Remember my friend Liz? Well, I was able to catch up with her when I was there. We talked about a lot of things. She's a high school sophomore and she's thinking about studying design. Amazing, no? At that time, I still didn't know what to study, I was so lost.
It seems so wonderful to me when someone who's very young already knows what he/she wants to do in the future.
Well, enough with that. Something that caught my attention about Liz that day, was the fact that she was wearing a green striped sweater, in Fall. How cool is that? To be honest, I think I've never worn a striped t-shirt or sweater. I'm not really sure what to think about them.
What about you? Do you like stripes? How exactly do you wear them?
I love wearing stripped tops! But they can be tricky sometimes, they tend to make you look wider. Even though never be afraid to wear one!