
October 14, 2013

This is Geraldine!

Let me tell you the truth... I met her for the first time on the weekend. She's so beautiful, and there's definitely some kind of mystery about her.

I wanted to take a picture because she's got such a nice style and she's so graceful and such a nice person. When I first asked for the picture, I was a little bit shy. But, when I talked with her, I realized how fun and cool she is.


  1. oouuu XD cool tiene una cara extraña, su mirada es como woow me recuerda alguien cuyo nombre no recuerdo

  2. she's gorg! her eyes are beeeautiful and she kinda reminds me of Amelia Vega.

    Victor, tu ere lo máximo de la bolita <3

  3. Wow she is beautiful! xxx

  4. What font is this Victor?



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